Importance of Tire Alignment on New Tires

Is It Necessary To Get An Alignment With New Tires? Monrovia | Luxury  Motorworks

Vehicles are like any other properties they should be taken care of, so they can last longer as well as serve their purpose in giving us the convenience we wanted. One important part of the vehicle is the tires. Tires and other parts of the car will not be able to run unless they are intact altogether. Tire alignment is offered by car repair services to help you make your tires run smoothly and keep you safe on the road. Let’s learn more about the importance of tire alignment on new tires.

What is a Tire Alignment?

Tire alignment refers to the adjustment of a vehicle’s suspension. It is a system that connects a vehicle to its wheels. Improper wheel alignments can damage your car and can cause inconvenience to your driving. That’s why tire alignment is important.

How Does Tire Alignment Help You and Your Car’s safety?

There are several reasons why tire alignment is necessary and beneficial for you and your car as well:

Good Tire Alignment can Give you a Smooth Ride

The longevity of the tire depends on if the vehicle is front-wheel-drive or rear-wheel-drive or four-wheel drive. The tires on the front of the front-wheel-drive wear out easily and vice versa for the rear-wheel-drive. Tire rotation can be a good solution to maintain the tire alignment of your car. Checking your tires if they are already uneven can help protect your tires from wearing off too much. Everybody wants a smooth ride, so better check those tires and know when to have them replaced and be a responsible car owner by conditioning your tires and driving properly to keep them in shape and avoid them from wearing faster. A safe ride is everyone’s goal every time they are on the wheel.

Always Put Safety First

Checking on the condition of your tires regularly can avoid you getting into an accident or further damage to your car. Safety rules should always be considered. No one wants to be put at risk due to tire issues. Regularly checking your tires and driving properly can assure you that you can still drive safely.

Prolongs Tire Lifespan

Having a good tire alignment can extend the life of your tires as well as the overall lifespan of your car. Tires that are uneven and imbalanced can result in vibration which can damage the car’s suspension. When this happens more issues need to be addressed to keep your car in its good condition. Taking care of your tires can make them last longer as well as save you from getting a tire replacement often.

Signs That Your Tire is Out of Alignment

Uneven Wear on the Contact Patch of the Tire

If you notice that your tires are uneven, especially on the contact patch, then tire alignment is needed. You can check the unevenness of your car’s tire or if you are not sure about it then ask the experts to check it for you.

Shaking of Steering Wheel

If you notice that your car is swerving despite the smooth road conditions, then something is wrong with your tire alignment. Have it checked before it can lead you to an accident.

Steering Wheel not centered

The steering wheel should be at 12’ o’clock position. If your steering wheel is off-centered then there might be a problem with your tire alignment.

Car Pulling Left or Right

If your hand is off the wheel, and it pulls to the left or right suddenly then this is an indication that your tire alignment has issues. This can be dangerous since you can lose direction when this happens and can lead to accidents.


Knowing the importance of tire alignment on new tires can help you be aware of when to have your tire alignment checked and can make you have a safer ride. Getting familiar with the signs that your tire alignment needs to be fixed can avoid you from getting into accidents. As a car owner, it will be wise to know the signs of your car being in a risky condition, so you can prevent too many repairs as well as prevent yourself from getting into risky situations. So better have those tire alignments checked now and then to ensure a safe ride.